In 1965/66, Fender prototyped the Marauder, which was supposed to be available in versions with 'hidden pickups' (under the pickguard) or with ordinary pickups. It had three pickups like the Strat, seven switches and two knobs. It never got beyond the prototype stage, apparently because the 'hidden pickups' were either too expensive to produce or its technology too expensive to license. It's frightfully rare. Only 4 of the original prototypes were produced (two of which ended up on the Fender catalogue), and then 8 Marauder II guitars. The Marauder II had visible pickups, and was produced in versions with slanted frets and with normal frets (apparently 4 of each of these were made).
The custom shop later made a 12-String Marauder model (we're talking around the turn of the 20th-21st century here) which was totally different, with much fewer buttons and even a very different body shape. It's not the same type of guitar at all. A picture of that guitar can be seen on the 'Guitars on the 2003 Custom Shop Calender' in the bibliography.
Type: 1966 Marauder
Serial #: Unknown
Remarks: This is the version such as it appeared on the front of Fender's 1966 catalogue. Click here for a bigger picture.
Type: 1966 Marauder Type II
Serial #: Unknown
Remarks: This guitar has a bound rosewood Stratocaster neck with pearl block markers.
Above photo credits: Corrected and submitted by Virtual Vintage Guitars.



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