





Here you will find every single book ever published with regard to Fender guitars, with a picture and some concise details. If you know of any other books, please do let me know about them!




"The Fender Guitar", by Ken Achard
The Bold Strummer Ltd., 1977, ISBN 0933224486, 68 pp. This book is somewhat old-fashioned, with only b/w pictures. Pretty informative, with quite a few illustrations.

"Guitar History Volume #1: Guitars Made by the Fender Company", by Donald Brosnac
The Bold Strummer Ltd., 1986, ISBN 0-933224-06-0, 40 pp. Though typeset in a pre-eighties, ugly way, and entirely in b/w, it offers a concise yet complete history of Fender guitars up to the mid eighties (including banjos, mandolins and other acoustics).

"The Fender Book", by Tony Bacon and Paul Day (first edition)
Miller Freeman Books, 1992, ISBN 0-87930-259-3, 96 pp. Hardcover. Without a doubt the most essential reference work on Fender guitars, including a special Fender guitar identification section, until the next version was released (see below).

"The Fender Book", by Tony Bacon and Paul Day (second edition)
Miller Freeman Books, 1998, ISBN 0-87930-554-1, 120 pp. Hardcover. Without a doubt the most essential reference work on Fender guitars, including a special Fender guitar identification section, until the next version was released (see below).

"Our Vintage Soul"
Volume 1 by Flavio Camorani & Vincenzo Atzori
Volume 2 by Flavio Camorani & Michela Taioli
Volume 3 by Flavio Camorani & Michela Taioli
Vol. 1, Vespignani Editore, 2005, 304 pp.
Vol. 2, Prisma Melody Club, 2020, ISBN 9788894439311, 432 pp.
Vol. 3, Prisma Melody Club, 2020, ISBN 9788894439335, 432 pp.
Lavishly illustrated, super in-depth, not too much text (which is in Italian). Together, this is over 5 kg of professionally edited, meticulously archived Fender fetish material. Wonderful! For order info, go to the author's site

"The Fender Electric Guitar Book", by Tony Bacon
BackBeat Books, 2007, ISBN 978-0-87930-897-1, 192 pp. This is actually the third edition of "The Fender Book" (originally by Bacon and Day, above). Well written, well researched, excellently illustrated. Without a doubt the most essential reference work on Fender guitars.

"Fender - The Sound Heard 'Round the World", by Richard Smith
Garfish Publishing, 1995, ISBN 0-9648612-7-5, 304 pp. Hardcover, well illustrated, dedicated to the man Leo Fender and his sound, so there's also emphasis on amps, Musicman and G&L.

"50 Years of Fender - Half a Century of the Greatest Electric Guitars", by Tony Bacon
Miller Freeman Press, 2000, ISBN 0-87930-621-1, 128 pp. When Tony Bacon writes something about guitars, you can count on it being well done and lavishly illustrated. This book covers every year in Fender history right up to 2000, with 2 pages per year. Artists, guitars and other things that happened are well documented. A beautiful book. It also includes an extensive chronology of all Fender electric guitar models and the years they were made in.

"Interactive Fender Bible", by Paul Day and Dave Hunter
Jawbone, 2007, ISBN 978-1-906002-06-0, 126 pp + 70 minute DVD. Ring-bound hardcover. Non-illustrated reference section of all Fender instruments and amps. The DVD is basically a run-down of a Fender collector's axes that get shown and played on.

"60 Years of Fender - Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars", by Tony Bacon
Backbeat Books, 2010, ISBN 987-0-87930-966-4, 144 pp. This is the second edition of the above book, now with the Fender history right up to 2010. Excellent book.

"The Golden Age of Fender - 1946-1970", by Martin Kelly, Terry Foster and Paul Kelly
Octopus Books, 2010, ISBN 978-1-84403-666-0, 288 pp. Hardcover. Beautiful book, featuring not only many an awesome picture of Fender instruments/amps, but also every price list, catalog and advert from that era.
P-Vine Books, 2012, ISBN ?, 286 pp. Paperback. The Japanese version of this book.

"Fender The Golden Age - 1946-1970", by Martin Kelly, Terry Foster and Paul Kelly
Octopus Books, 2018, ISBN 1788400097, 288 pp. Hardcover. I don't actually have this book, so I have no idea if it's at all different from the above version.

"The Ultimate Fender Book", by Paul Day & Dave Hunter
Metro Books, 2010, ISBN 978-1435127791, 272 pp. Beautifully illustrated, not too in-depth, with Carl Verheyen and Dave Hunter playing many different axes on the DVD.
Chartwell Books, 2015, ISBN 978-0-7858-3280-5, 272 pp (this is the version without DVD).

"Squier Electrics", by Tony Bacon
Backbeat Books, 2012, ISBN 978-1-61713-022-9, 160 pp. A well-written and lavishly illustrated book covering the old Squier JV series right up to 2011.

"The Authority of Mustang - Details & History of Fender Mustang and other Student Models"
Shinko Music, 2009, ISBN 978-4-401-63354-8, 130 pp. A Young Guitar special hardware issue with a very detailed summary of Mustang history, with some Duosonic, Musicmaster and Swinger thrown in.

"The Authority of Mustang - Transition of detail Specification of Fender Mustang - Revised Edition"
Shinko Music, 2016, ISBN 978-4-401-64346-2, 128 pp. Young Guitar special hardware issue with a very detailed summary of Mustang history.

"Fender Telecaster & Stratocaster", by Dave Hunter
Voyageur Press, 2020, ISBN 978-0-7603-7010-0, 320 pp. This book contains Dave Hunter's The Fender Telecaster (2012, listed below) and The Fender Stratocaster (2013, listed below).

"Fender 75 Years", by Dave Hunter
Motorbooks, 2021, ISBN 978-0-7603-7015-5, 224 pp. Very luxurious hardcover in a slipcase, covering the history of Fender from the very beginning (with lap steels) until the Acoustasonic and Fender Play.




"The Fender Stratocaster", by A.R. Duchossoir (first edition)
Mediapresse (France), 1983. Written in English, published in France. Ringbound.

"The Fender Stratocaster", by A.R. Duchossoir (second edition)
Hal Leonard, 1983, ISBN 0-088188-388-3, 48 pp.

"The Fender Stratocaster", by A.R. Duchoissoir
Hal Leonard, 1989, ISBN 088188880X, 64 pp. Further details unknown.

"The Fender Stratocaster", by A.R. Duchossoir (40th Anniversary Edition)
Hal Leonard, 1994, ISBN 0-7935-4735-0, 72 pp. A very structured book in which great detail is given to dating Strats with regard to bridges, bodies, pickguards, neckplates, etc., richly illustrated (with 10 pages in glorious full colour), with schematics and the works.

"Fender Stratocaster", a.k.a. "Fender 1, Stratocaster", by Yasuhiko Iwanade (first edition)
Rittor Music, 1987, ISBN number specified nowhere. Well illustrated, an excellent addition to Iwanade's "The Galaxy of Strats".

"Fender Stratocaster", a.k.a. "Fender 1, Stratocaster", by Yasuhiko Iwanade (second edition)
Rittor Music, second edition (2004), ISBN 4-8456-1124-4. Well illustrated, an excellent addition to Iwanade's "The Galaxy of Strats". This second edition has additional coverage of the guitar's 50th anniversary.

"The Story of the Fender Stratocaster - Curves, Contours and Body Horns", by Ray Mininnett and Bob Young
Carlton Books, 1995, ISBN 0-87930-349-2, 128 pp. Hardcover. This book is based on the TV documentary of the same name. It's pretty good, well-illustrated, but they call the natural finish 'tacky' and they say Yngwie Malmsteen can't compose... ;-)

"The Galaxy of Strats", by Yasuhiko Iwanade
Rittor Music (Japan), 1998, ISBN 4-8456-0279-2, 194 pp. This is a truly beautiful picture book with almost 90 custom colour, blonde and sunburst Stratocasters from 1954-1971 immortalized (with serial number, year of manufacture and close-up shots). This book really got my rocks off! There's not a lot of text, but most of that is in Japanese (serial numbers and years of manufacture are in Latin characters, though, and chapter and page headings are in English). There's also a lot of background on the study of Strats, some Strat-related interviews, pictures of all custom color charts and a lot of promotion/documentation reproduced.
You may find this book by emailing to info @, where I got a response that I needed to send my credit card name/number/expiry and they could send the book to me. It cost me the equivalent of about US$ 40, and that included shipment from Japan to Europe.

"The Story of the Fender Stratocaster - A Celebration of the World's Greatest Guitar", by Ray Mininnett and Bob Young
Backbeat Books, 2001, ISBN 0879306653, 128 pp. The paperback version (with somewhat different title) of the above book.

"The Stratocaster Chronicles - Celebrating 50 Years of the Fender Strat", by Tom Wheeler
Hal Leonard, 2004, ISBN 0-634-05678-6, 280 pp. Hardcover. A beautifully designed book that does add quite a bit to all the others out there. Includes a CD with various Strat styles played, as well as an interview with Leo Fender. A must-have for the Stratocaster fan!

"The Black Strat - A History of David Gilmour's black Fender Stratocaster", by Phil Taylor (first edition), 2007.

"The Black Strat - A History of David Gilmour's black Fender Stratocaster", by Phil Taylor (second edition)
Hal Leonard, 2008.

"The Black Strat - A History of David Gilmour's black Fender Stratocaster", by Phil Taylor (third edition)
Hal Leonard, 2010, ISBN 978-1-4234-9270-2, 206 pp. Amazingly detailed book, basically about the long and interesting history of one Stratocaster. Impressive, to say the least.

"Fender Stratocaster", by Sam Orr
The Crowood Press, 2009, ISBN 978-1-84979-101-2, 144 pp. Nicely illustrated background of the Stratocaster, with some different angles from other books (for example a section dedicated to Jimi Hendrix's Stratocasters).

"The Fender Stratocaster Guitar Book", by Tony Bacon
Backbeat Books, 2010, ISBN 978-1-87930-996-1, 160 pp. Beautifully illustrated book, in true lavish Tony Bacon style. Very much like his general Fender-oriented books, but now with a focus on just the Strat.

"The Stratocaster - The Life and Times of the World's Greatest Guitar and its Players", by Dave Hunter
Voyageur Press, 2013, ISBN 9780760344842, 240 pp, hardcover. This is a book devoted to the Stratocaster. It covers the development of the guitar and the famous players who made it their own.

"60 Jahre Fender Stratocaster"
Guitar Magazine Special, 2014, ISBN 4-196591-209802, 146 pp. Guitar Magazine special about its history, including famous Fender Stratocasters, modern players, and some classic song transcriptions.

"The Authority of Stratocaster - Transition of Detail Specification of Fender Stratocaster - 60th Anniversary Special Edition"
Shinko Music, 2020, ISBN 978-4-401-63958-8, 130 pp. A Young Guitar special hardware issue with a very detailed summary of Stratocaster history.

"The Fender Stratocaster 1971 to 2011 - A History of Models Made in the USA", by Michael Towle
Adminsoft Ltd., 2021, ISBN 9798508304669, 284 pp. A somewhat spartan b/w book with a general history of Fender, details about the Stratocaster, and an exhaustive list of all Stratocaster models made in the US, including all the signature models. There are separate chapters dedicated to spotting fakes, and dating aided by serial numbers (including models manufactured in other countries).




"The Fender Telecaster - The Detailed Story of America's Senior Solid Body Electric Guitar", by A.R. Duchossoir
Hal Leonard, 1991, ISBN 0-7935-0860-6, 80 pp. A book in which great details is given to dating Teles with regard to bridges, bodies, pickguards, neckplates, etc., richly illustrated (with 12 pages in glorious full colour), with schematics and the works. The definitive book on the Fender Telecaster.

"The Fender2, Telecaster & Other Guitars", by Yasuhiko Iwanade
Rittor Music, 1992, ISBN (?) T1002934012806, 152 pp. Paperback. Excellent and well-illustrated book, primarily aimed at the Telecaster, but also featuring practically all other Fender instruments ever (including quite a bit of detail shots of the Marauder prototype). Difficult to get.

"The Blackguard - a Detailed History of the early Fender Telecaster years 1950-1954", by Ignacio Banos
JK Lutherie, 2005, ISBN 84-609-6633-X, 420 pp. Hardcover. Probably the holy grail of books for Telecaster fans. A bunch of really old Broadcasters, Squires, Nocasters and Telecasters have been photographed and taken apart in meticulous fashion. Lusciously illustrated (over 2000 pictures) and produced in a slip-case and large 12-by-12 inch size, limited to 5500 copies (of which I have #4200). Don't get this one on Ebay (where auctions can run into over US$ 150 excluding shipping) but get it straight from where it costs US$ 85 excluding shipping.

"Six Decades of the Fender Telecaster - the Story of the World's First Solidbody Electric Guitar", by Tony Bacon
Swartz Inc., 2005, ISBN 0879308567, 144 pp. Paperback. The definitive history of the Fender Telecaster.

"The Telecaster Guitar Book", by Tony Bacon
Backbeat Books, 2012, ISBN 978-1-61713-105-9, 160 pp. Basically the second edition of the above book.

"The Telecaster - The Life and Times of the Electric Guitar that Changed the World", by Dave Hunter
Voyageur Press, 2012, ISBN 9780760341384, 240 pp, hardcover. This is a book devoted to the Tele. It covers the development of the guitar and the famous players who made it their own, from the first 1949 prototype to the launch of the model in 1950 as the Esquire, through the Broadcaster, infamous "Nocaster", the Telecaster, and its numerous variations today.

"The Authority of Telecaster - Transition of Detail Specification of Fender Stratocaster"
Shinko Music, 2020, ISBN 978-4-401-63595-5, 130 pp. A Young Guitar special hardware issue with a very detailed summary of Telecaster history.




"The Fender Bass", by Klaus Blasquiz
Hal Leonard Publishing, 1990, ISBN 0-7935-0757-X, 48 pp. Though badly written and riddled with typos, it is well illustrated and quite an authoritative book as far as Fender basses are concerned.

"The Fender Bass - An Illustrated History", by J.W. Black and Albert Molinaro
Hal Leonard Publishing, 2001, ISBN 0-634-02640-2, 128 pp. Paperback. This book takes it up a notch from the above title. Nearly three times its size, it covers the first 50 years of the history of Fender basses. Including many pictures and background information. The definitive Fender-bass-only book.

"The Authority of Fender Bass - Transition of Detail Specification of Fender Bass featuring Precision Bass & Jazz Bass"
Shinko Music, 2019, ISBN 978-4-401-64151-2, 144 pp. A Young Guitar special hardware issue with a very detailed summary of Fender Precision and Jazz basses.




"Fender Custom Shop Guitar Gallery", by Richard A. Smith, with photographs by the Pitkin Studio
Fender / Hal Leonard, 1996, ISBN 0-7935-5065-3, ISBN 0-7935-5067-X (collector's edition), 148 pp. A truly beautiful, lavishly illustated book with some of the most beautiful guitars you'll ever see (as well as some of the ugliest and 'kitshiest'). A must-have for any Fender afficionado.

"The Dream Factory", by Tom Wheeler
Hal Leonard, 2011, ISBN 978-0-634-05613-0, 592 pp. Hardcover in slipcase. The above book was like an A+, but "The Dream Factory" is like A+++ (though rather expensive). Unbelievably well-illustrated, extensively researched, covering every conceivable angle and aspect of the Fender Custom Shop: History, personnel, instruments, the production process...a dream of a book.




"Fender: The inside Story: A Behind-the-Scenes Account of the Fender Electric Instrument Company by its Former General Manager", by Forrest White
Miller Freeman, 1994, ISBN 0-87930-309-p3, 258 pp. Though not devoid of a healthy dose of pride, this is a very personal and well-documented account of Forrest White's years in the musical instruments business. Emphasis is on the years he spent working for Fender (basically from about the beginning until shortly after the CBS take-over). He's not a writer, which is evident by his style, but I guess it accurately reflects the human side of the Fender story. It's very much a tribute to Leo Fender.

"Guitar Legends : The Evolution of the Guitar from Fender to G & L", by George Fullerton
Centerstream Publishers, 1994, ISBN 0931759692, 112 pp. Personal account of George Fullerton's life with Leo Fender, and with the guitars Leo invented. Well illustrated, with an emphasis on interesting trivia and the names behind the company (including some lesser known ones). Fits in the same category as Forrest White's book. A very interesting read!

"My Life and Times with Fender Musical Instruments", by Bill Carson
Hal Leonard, 1998, ISBN 1-884883-10-9, 112 pp. Well written account of Bill Carson's time with Fender, including the turmoil around the CBS take-over, the way he helped make the Stratocaster what it is, and a lot of personal information. Well illustrated, it is the finest of the three personal-angle books written about Fender.




"Guitar Graphic", Volume 2
Rittor Music (Japan), October 1994, 156 pp. "Guitar Graphic" magazine ran for 9 issues and is, basically, fantastic guitar porn. A great variety of memorable, vintage, odd, bizarre and fantastic guitars are featured in its pages, including period advertising. Most of the text is in Japanese. This particular volume dedicates space to the Stratocaster's 40th Anniversary, and does it excellently, including an interview with George Fullerton. Superb.

"Guitar Graphic", Volume 6
Rittor Music (Japan), October 1996, 148 pp. "Guitar Graphic" magazine ran for 9 issues and is, basically, fantastic guitar porn. A great variety of memorable, vintage, odd, bizarre and fantastic guitars are featured in its pages, including period advertising. Most of the text is in Japanese. Fender-wise, this one features a near-40-page photographic history of the Stratocaster. Excellent.

"Guitar Graphic", Volume 7
Rittor Music (Japan), April 1997, 148 pp. "Guitar Graphic" magazine ran for 9 issues and is, basically, fantastic guitar porn. A great variety of memorable, vintage, odd, bizarre and fantastic guitars are featured in its pages, including period advertising. Most of the text is in Japanese. This time, it featured extensive coverage of Leo Fender's legacy: The Fender and G&L companies and the instruments they made. Fantastic eye candy.

"Guitar Graphic", Volume 8
Rittor Music (Japan), April 1998, 148 pp. "Guitar Graphic" magazine ran for 9 issues and is, basically, fantastic guitar porn. A great variety of memorable, vintage, odd, bizarre and fantastic guitars are featured in its pages, including period advertising. Most of the text is in Japanese. Nearly 60 pages of Custom Shop info here, with a "behind the scenes" section. Wonderful.

"The King of Strat"
Young Guitar magazine (Japan), 2009, ISBN 978-4-401-63312-8, 120 pp, paperback. It has a 1954 to 1969 Vintage Gallery and 101 Strats of different artists including Clapton (Blackie & Brownie), SRV (#1 & Lenny), Hendrix's Black Beauty, Duane Allman, Blackmore, Malmsteen, Mick Mars, Eric Johnson, Don Felder, Uli Roth, Howard Leese, Richie Sambora, Nancy Wilson and many others. Also has a section on popular records featuring Strats.

"Fender Electric Guitar Bible"
Anthem Publishing, 2011, 132 pp. Special edition of "Guitar Classics" featuring nothing but Fender stuff. Reviews, history, hotrodding your axe, Gilmour's Black Strat, etc.




"American Guitars: An Illustrated History", by Tom Wheeler
Harper Resource, 1992, ISBN 0062731548, 384 pp. Paperback. This thorough and abundantly illustrated history contains alphabetically arranged entries on important guitar builders and companies. Classical builders are not included because "their traditions, aesthetics, and clientele all exist somewhat apart from the world of steel-strings and electric guitars and basses" (from the author's introduction). This edition presents several dozen newcomers and updates others while preserving most of the original edition intact.

"Electric Guitars - The Illustrated History", by Tony Bacon
Balafon, 2000, ISBN 1-871547-66-0, 320 pp. Hardcover. Though not a specific Fender book, it is nonetheless such a drool-provokingly beautiful book, extremely well designed and supplied with copious quantities of pictures, that no fan of guitars should be without.

"Norman's Rare Guitars - 30 Years of Buying, Selling and Collecting", by Norman Harris with David Swartz
Backbeat Books, 2005, ISBN 0-9669219-0-9 (hardback) or 0-9669219-1-7, 280 pp. Not a book exclusively about Fender, but about 100 pages feature rare Fender guitars and most of those are Stratocasters. Sortof like "The Galaxy of Strats", but with other guitars thrown in, and less space per guitar. Very interesting!

"2,000 Guitars - the Ultimate Collection", multiple authors
Thunder Bay Press, 2009, ISBN 1-60710-012-6, 320 pp. Similar to "Electric Guitars - The Illustrated History" (above). Another beautiful book, with guitar brands alphabetically arranged and illustrations lavishly applied.

"Guitar Identification", by A.R. Duchossoir (first edition)
Mediapresse (France), 1983. Published in France, written in English. Ringbound. A.R. Duchoissoir is recognised as an expert in the field of guitars, both with regard to history and identification. This book is a painstakingly researched guide for identifying (and dating) Fender, Gibson and Martin guitars (no Gretch yet, not until the next edition).

"Guitar Identification", by A.R. Duchossoir
Hal Leonard, 1983. A.R. Duchoissoir is recognised as an expert in the field of guitars, both with regard to history and identification. This book is a painstakingly researched guide for identifying (and dating) Fender, Gibson, Gretsch and Martin guitars.

"Guitar Identification", by A.R. Duchossoir
Hal Leonard, 1990, ISBN 0-7935-0274-8, 48 pp. Paperback (stapled). A.R. Duchoissoir is recognised as an expert in the field of guitars, both with regard to history and identification. This book is a painstakingly researched guide for identifying (and dating) Fender, Gibson, Gretsch and Martin guitars.

"Guitar Identification", by A.R. Duchossoir
Hal Leonard, 1999, ISBN 0-634-00672-X, 56 pp. Paperback (glued). A.R. Duchoissoir is recognised as an expert in the field of guitars, both with regard to history and identification. This book is a painstakingly researched guide for identifying (and dating) Fender, Gibson, Gretsch and Martin guitars.

"Guitar Identification", by A.R. Duchossoir (4th edition)
Hal Leonard, 2008, ISBN 978-1-4234-2611-0, 88 pp. Paperback (glued). A.R. Duchoissoir is recognised as an expert in the field of guitars, both with regard to history and identification. This book is a painstakingly researched guide for identifying (and dating) Fender, Gibson, Gretsch and Martin guitars.




Fender Discussion Page - a cool BBS type of thing for Fender owners (you need to register, but it's free)

Fender Japan - the Official Fender Japan Site

Fender Musical Instruments - the Official Fender USA Site (includes the Custom Shop site)

Fetish Guitars - lots of pictures of 60's Italian-made guitars

The Strat Central sister site, for your Heartfield Talon/Elan needs

Jag-Stang.Com - where Jaguar, Mustang and Jag-Stang are extolled

Overkill Design - if you'd like a coffee table shaped like a Strat or Tele headstock

Pamelina.Com - the official site of Pamelina Hovnatanian (who paints guitars for the Custom Shop)

Doug Rowell - a sculptor/wood carver with some amazing guitar work

Strat FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List concerning Stratocasters


Squier JV Pages

Fender Mustang Story


The Strat Central Webmaster's GAS Page - Not huge on the scale of things, but huge enough for me :-)




Dating your Japanese Fender

Dating your US Fender

Dating Late 70's Stratocasters

Correlating your Made-in-America Vintage Reissue Serial Numbers with Year of Manufacture

Downloading Fender Guitar Manuals (including a lot of old archived ones)

Picture of the 1961-1963 Fender colour chart

Picture of the 1963-1964 Fender colour chart

Picture of the 1965 Fender colour chart

Picture of the 1966-1967 Fender colour chart

Picture of the 1970 Fender colour chart

Picture of the 1976-1977 Fender colour chart

The guitars on the 1998 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 1999 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2000 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2001 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2002 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2003 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2004 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2005 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2006 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2007 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2008 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2009 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2010 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2011 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2012 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2013 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2014 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2015 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2016 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2017 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2018 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2019 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2020 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2021 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2022 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The guitars on the 2023 Fender Custom Shop Calendar

The Guitars on the 2024 Fender Custom Shop Calendar (soon coming!)

The guitars on the 2025 Fender Custom Shop Calendar



Please report dead links, possible copyright infringements or guitar-related info to the maintainer of these pages, Richard Karsmakers.